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25 whatsapp hidden features which came after 2020 update


Today, i would introduce you with whatsapp new features that must be alien to most of the Whatsapp users. each feature of this WhatsApp is an example in itselp. so let's discuss all the features of this WhatsApp while using Facebook or some other app if you receive a WhatsApp message you must delay seeing that message. But this WhatsApp is really amazing while using any other app if you receive a WhatsApp message it would show you active chat heads. and you receive notifications in the form of chat heads.  you can open WhatsApp by click this popup chat head. to enable this popup chat head simple click three dots given on the top right corner and click FM settings. then click on universal settings and scroll down until you see chat heads(beta). enable it and click on give permission. Now enable ( allow display over other apps ) and go back. your chat head is enabled successfully.  Now, whenever will you receive a message chat head will appear as a popup. If you want to disable chat head simply disable the recently enabled settings in FM settings. Everyone wants privacy. but whenever a person gets online on WhatsApp Parents, family or girlfriend start noticing him/her. if you want to stay away from all this trouble then simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Privacy and security settings. just enable hide last seen option given at the top, Now if you would use WhatsApp even for a whole day no one would get to know about it. Even you can disable it again to come to normal mode so that each one can notice you. do you have such a work in which you have to forward messages from one person to another, but forwarded message shows a tag revealing that message is forwarded, Don't worry then because we have a solution for it. Click on three dots to go to FM settings and there go to Privacy and security settings and here enable disable forwarded option. Before enabling it lets check what happens if I do not enable it, Go to some chat and forward on of his message to him. Here you would see a forwarded tag with the sent message but if you want to remove this tag just go to settings and enable the disable forwarded option. Now let's forward the same text again to check if this tag exists now or not. Now you can see, Forwarded is not written over there with the text. Now you can forward anyone's message to any person without a forward tag. are you in a meeting and you are receiving unwanted calls? You don't want these calls without blocking numbers. then you should try this setting of FM Whatsapp  simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Privacy and security settings and edit who can call tab you can choose one of the three options according to your requirement. Everyone, Your contacts or no one can call you so that you can maintain your privacy if you want only your contacts to call you then choose my contacts in settings. if you want no one to call you then simply choose no body option in who can call you tab If you want to see someone's status but don't want to let him know that you have seen his/her status  simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Privacy and security settings. scroll down and enable hide view status. now watch the status of anybody without worries because no one is gonna know that you saw his status. To revert settings to normal simply disable the hide view status settings in the privacy and security tab You will also find dark mode and No chat option in FM WhatsApp. By clicking on airplane you can simply enable DND mode where you neither send nor receive any message. Moreover, you can also choose the dark mode from the next option where your WhatsApp screen color would shift to black The hidden chat area is also available on FM Whatsapp. you can click on Your-name or WhatsApp on the top left corner and enter a pin or password of your choice. and then enter a question and an answer of your choice to reset the password if you forget. after entering both fields you would be redirected to a hidden space. you can start private chats there and these chats would not appear in the main chat area. whenever you enter hidden space you would be required to enter Password. Fm WhatsApp also provides you an option of anti delete status and messages. for this simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Privacy and security settings and enable anti delete status and messages when you enable anti delete status if someone sets a status and then deletes it afterward, it would not be deleted for you until 24 hours are completed. The same happen in anti delete messages, if sender has deleted a message it would not be deleted for you if you have enabled anti delete messages. instead, you would find a dustbin tag with that message. let me show you this by sending a message from WhatsApp business to FM WhatsApp. when I delete that sent message it is not deleted from FM WhatsApp. if you want that the message sender does not come to know that you have read the message until you reply. so that your privacy is maintained. so simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Privacy and security settings and enable show blue ticks after reply. you can see this working in the video Message status ticks would not get blue until I reply the message sender. This way you can read anyone's message without getting him to know. And he would not until you reply him back The same way you can manage read message and delivery ticks settings for individuals, groups, and broadcasts. in FM WhatsApp settings Kindly Subscribe Our BLOGGER and YOUTUBE Channel which is THE TECHIEE GAMER  If we send a photo or video on WhatsApp it's quality gets decreased to send photos in Hd Quality  simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Universal settings and enable send photos in the best quality. after this, all your photos would be sent in full quality let me show you by sending photos Now same quality photos would be sent as in your gallery. Normally Whatsapp send photos on 80% but after this setting, it would go for 100% You can disable this setting also to send photos in reduced size. If you want to add maximum size Whatsapp status. simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Universal settings and enable increase send media/status limit. Now your status size would be maximized to 80MB one status Normally 30sec status can be added on WhatsApp.  if you want to add upto five min status simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Universal settings  and enable send five min status After this setting, you can add status up to five minutes. I can show you this setting working. simply choose a longer video from gallery here you can see the video is split up into five minutes If you want to send many photos to a person or group at a time. and you cant do that because WhatsApp does not allow that. don't worry. simply click on three dots to go to FM settings and open Universal settings and enable disable media share limit Normally 30 items can be sent at a time on WhatsApp.So,Friends i feel did you liked this article and this only in the article thanks for watching.
